The Lived Disabled Experience of Matthew Shapiro

People often wonder what it’s like to date as a disabled person. Who better to hear from than a disabled person themself? Meet Matthew Shapiro, a Virginia man whose experience with Cerebral Palsy has shaped much of his life. In our first video blog post, you’ll learn about Matthew’s dating life and what he has learned throughout his adult years.

Text that reads, "National Disability Employment Awareness Month" with drawings of disabled people.

Why Disability Employment Month is So Important

Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM) in October is an annual celebration of the valuable contributions and achievements of individuals with disabilities in the workforce. It serves as a reminder to prioritize inclusivity, diversity, and equality in the workplace.

Celebrating One Year of Dateability

Today, we are celebrating Dateability’s first birthday! On October 21, 2022, Dateability launched across North America. We are so proud of our accomplishments, and we could not have done it without our wonderful community and supporters.

Cleanlogic: Accessibility in Body Care

With October being Disability Employment Month and Blindness Awareness Month, we want to highlight CleanLogic, a body care brand whose mission is to help those with visual impairments. CleanLogic was founded by Isaac Shapiro, whose mom had lost her vision as child. He knew that creating accessible products would be life changing for his mother and the other 25 million Americans living with visual impairments. By including Braille on product packing and donating a portion of each sale to relevant organizations, CleanLogic has created a mission-driven brand with amazing products.

A neon pink broken heart light.

Moving on From Heartbreak

Heartbreak is a universal feeling. Most people experience it multiple times and it’s natural to feel like your world is crashing down. While it’s ok to give yourself some time to mourn the relationship, here are some tips to speed the process along and let yourself heal as best as possible!

Alexa and Jacqueline at an event wearing masks.

Dating in a Pandemic: Ideas for Safe Dates

While many people have declared the pandemic over, much of the disabled and chronically ill population are still taking safety precautions. This can be especially hard in the dating space, but luckily, with Dateability, we have COVID-cautious users (you can event select “COVID-cautious” as a Dateability Deet)!

A collage of disability rights activists throughout the years.

Disability Rights & The Continued Fight

Disability Rights & The Continued Fight In July 2023, the United States of America celebrated the 33rd Anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). On July 26, 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed the ADA into law after decades of advocacy by disability rights activists and supporters.  Under the ADA, schools and workplaces are now required to have ramps, elevators, designated parking spots and curb cuts, and to provide accommodations for people with a range of disabilities, including those who are blind or deaf. Historically, the legal provisions of the ADA were inspired by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The ADA was designed to protect people with disabilities against discrimination and to ensure they can participate fully in employment, state and local government services, public accommodations, transportation and telecommunications. Congress stated the purpose of the ADA is “to provide a clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities.” As of 2023, the ADA is the most comprehensive of the nation’s disability laws. However, despite the advancements of the Disability Rights movement, there are major gaps that need to be filled to maximize inclusion and accessibility for every community, especially people with disabilities.  Let’s face it, equality in theory does not equate to equality in practice. After over 30 years since the passage of the ADA, Claudia Center, the legal director of the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, reports, “disability-related complaints remain the largest category filed with the federal agencies that enforce fair housing and employment laws, and many businesses and institutions remain inaccessible. To date, we have American children with disabilities who are less likely to graduate from high school and far less likely to attend college than their nondisabled peers. People with disabilities are also disciplined more often in educational settings…

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Two people chatting by a lake at golden hour.

Dating With a Stutter

Embarking on the path of dating is an adventure filled with a whirlwind of emotions—excitement, nervousness, and anticipation. For those of us who stutter, this journey can come with a few extra twists and turns. It’s important to remember, however, that these additional layers do not diminish the beauty or worth of the journey—quite the contrary. They merely call for some additional navigation and a generous dose of empathy.