Jacqueline in an adaptive ski bucket in Telluride, Colorado.

Embracing the Chill: Winter Adaptive Sports Open New Horizons

Embracing the Chill: Winter Adaptive Sports Open New Horizons: Winter is a magical season that transforms the world into a glistening wonderland, blanketed in snow. While some may choose to cozy up by the fire, others seek adventure on the snowy slopes and frozen landscapes. For disabled people, the thrill of winter sports is not out of reach. Thanks to the ever-evolving world of adaptive sports, winter enthusiasts of all abilities can now revel in the joy and excitement of cold-weather activities. In this blog post, we’ll explore the world of winter adaptive sports and how they are breaking barriers and creating new opportunities for inclusivity.

A gold and white holiday gift box with glitter and snowflakes.

Gift Guide for Disabled People

Gift Guide for Disabled People: Selecting thoughtful and considerate gifts for disabled individuals involves recognizing their unique needs, preferences, and interests. Keep in mind that disabilities can vary widely, so it’s essential to consider the individual’s specific circumstances and abilities. Here are some general ideas that may be suitable for various situations:

Navigating the Holidays with Chronic Illness

The holiday season is often portrayed as a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. However, for those living with chronic illness, the holidays can bring a unique set of challenges. Navigating through the festive season with health limitations requires a thoughtful approach to balance enjoyment and self-care. In this blog post, we’ll explore some strategies for individuals with chronic illnesses to make the most of the holidays while prioritizing their well-being.

A screenshot of Dateability with text that reads, "An Inclusive space for disabled and chronically ill people to date. Join today for free."

Dateability: The Dating Revolution We Know We Needed

In a world that values convenience and instant connection, dating apps have changed the landscape of romance and relationships. But not for everyone. There exists a significant portion of the population for whom these platforms are a reminder of their marginalized status: people with disabilities and chronic illnesses. Enter Dateability—a dating app that is shattering stereotypes, challenging norms, and revolutionizing the way we perceive love.

Life with a Feeding Tube

Throughout my years as a disabled woman, I have had to make important decisions about my body and healthcare. By far the most daunting decision I had to make was back in 2021, when my medical team advised me it was time to get a feeding tube due to a severe case of gastroparesis. Today, I celebrate two years of living with a feeding tube. It hasn’t always been a breeze, but I’m healthier and stronger for it.

The Lived Disabled Experience of Matthew Shapiro

People often wonder what it’s like to date as a disabled person. Who better to hear from than a disabled person themself? Meet Matthew Shapiro, a Virginia man whose experience with Cerebral Palsy has shaped much of his life. In our first video blog post, you’ll learn about Matthew’s dating life and what he has learned throughout his adult years.

Text that reads, "National Disability Employment Awareness Month" with drawings of disabled people.

Why Disability Employment Month is So Important

Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM) in October is an annual celebration of the valuable contributions and achievements of individuals with disabilities in the workforce. It serves as a reminder to prioritize inclusivity, diversity, and equality in the workplace.

Celebrating One Year of Dateability

Today, we are celebrating Dateability’s first birthday! On October 21, 2022, Dateability launched across North America. We are so proud of our accomplishments, and we could not have done it without our wonderful community and supporters.

Cleanlogic: Accessibility in Body Care

With October being Disability Employment Month and Blindness Awareness Month, we want to highlight CleanLogic, a body care brand whose mission is to help those with visual impairments. CleanLogic was founded by Isaac Shapiro, whose mom had lost her vision as child. He knew that creating accessible products would be life changing for his mother and the other 25 million Americans living with visual impairments. By including Braille on product packing and donating a portion of each sale to relevant organizations, CleanLogic has created a mission-driven brand with amazing products.